Dr Suzanne Zeedyk
Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk is a developmental psychologist and research scientist, who is fascinated by the many topics that make up the Science of Connection. She believes that everyone deserves to share in the discoveries that scientists are making about the importance of relationships. connected baby brings that science to life.
When she says everyone, that’s exactly who she means: mums, dads, grans, grandads, early years staff, teachers, lawyers, social workers, doctors, musicians, stroller designers, politicians and everybody else not on that list. Human beings can’t be happy or healthy without connection to other people. That’s how we’re biologically wired. We can’t thrive on our own. It matters that everybody gets a chance to understand this.
It matters because modern society is more likely to drive disconnection than connection.
Technology, time, policies, politics — they often seem to push us apart rather than bring us together. Suzanne thinks that the more we understand about why relationships matter, the better chance we have of paying attention to the small things that make them tick. She brought together a small team of talented folk who could find creative ways to talk about the why.
David Wilson-Wynne
David Wilson-Wynne is a recognised expert in the field of dementia practice. Working within a variety of clinical and non-clinical environments has allowed David to develop a vast range of skills and knowledge. Having held roles such as, Post Diagnostic Link Worker, Dementia Specialist, Dementia Lead and Lead Clinical Trainer, he has extensive skills and advanced knowledge of care practice. He graduated with an MSc (Dementia) from the University of Stirling in 2023, where he now has specialist interests in transitional care, supporting unmet need, people living with dementia who have experienced trauma and post diagnostic support.
Throughout his practice, David has researched the needs and barriers which staff within the Health and Social Care Sector face. He has developed and currently teaches undergraduate dementia modules for Nursing and Paramedic students at the University of Stirling and advises a range of clients on dementia policy, practice and research. David is often in demand to share his experience, by speaking and attending both national and international conferences.