Podcast: My Life With Amazing Strangers
My Life With Amazing Strangers – Dr Suzanne Zeedyk – ‘Fierce Curiosity’: Hospital Care for Children
When a child goes into hospital, how important is it that a mum or dad can stay? The answer may feel obvious to us, but in the 1950s, this was a controversial question. In this episode of Fierce Curiosity, we meet Pete Kinnear, who was a child coping with hospital at that time. He’s in…
My Life With Amazing Strangers – Dr Suzanne Zeedyk – ‘Fierce Curiosity’: Corporal Punishment
Emily Laranja is the Nurture Teacher at Lynburn Primary in Fife, Scotland. Frankie Larkin was a child in Scottish schools from the mid-1960s. He felt regularly humiliated by teachers in Primary School and was belted regularly during Secondary. As a consequence of feeling stupid and scared, he did not learn to read until he was…
MLWAS – Ep6 David Wilson-Wynne
David Wilson-Wynne is Senior Dementia Care Consultant at the internationally recognised Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) based at the University of Stirling. David has worked within the field of dementia care for over 17 years, in a variety of clinical and non-clinical roles. David is the founder of Total Recall Memories Choir (a choir for…
My Life With Amazing Strangers – Ep5 – The Good Prison Officer
Does the word ‘Care’, exist in UK Prisons? Who cares for Prison Officers? Is rehabilitation in prison a reality or a myth? How crucial is the language we use when discussing prison life? What is the role of the judiciary and do they really understand the issues? In this extraordinarily candid interview, Andi Brierley and…
My Life With Amazing Strangers – Ep4 – Starkeeper Morton
Starkeeper Morton, CEO of The Haven, in Stonehaven, Scotland, talks with Gary Robinson about the power of Community and the role that Care has to play in its success. www.thehaven.co.uk #community #care #foodbanks
My Life With Amazing Strangers Episode 03
Changing Faces, Issabella, John and Niaomi (Charity Ambassadors) – The UK’s leading charity for everyone with a scar, mark or condition #VisibleDifference #MentalHealth #Discrimination www.changingfaces.org.uk
My Life With Amazing Strangers Episode 02
Chris Carse-Wilson, Author of ‘The Fray’ – #mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #ecotherapy #SAD @chriscarsewilso
My Life With Amazing Strangers Episode 01
Adam Murphy, full-time Carer to eldest son, Ryan, an autistic person – #autism #neurodiversity #care @autcareandshare